Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Staying busy with Rielee

After the horrible news last night about Mark's motorcycle accident, I was glad to have Rielee around today to keep me busy so I wouldn't think about it so much. She didn't disappoint either. She wanted to play Barbies, then Ponies, then I taught her how to make french toast (no crust on hers). Then it was back to Barbies until I suggested a bath. That entertained her for quite awhile, then we decided to get out of the house and go to Home Depot and Michaels. Papa made it a fun trip as Rielee and I sat in the back of the van, he said he was "Bozo" our driver and we could call him "Mr. B". At Michaels, she bought a stuffed dog and a couple of outfits for her and named her Allison. She is still campaigning for a real puppy for her birthday and said her parents are still "discussing" whether or not to get her one. When we got home from town she wanted to play Barbies again, I tried to talk Papa into playing with her while I cleaned out the fridge, but that didn't make her very happy so he traded places with me. He kept trying to escape the kitchen so Rielee barracaded it with chairs to keep him in, he finally gave up and did a great job on the fridge.

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