Monday, June 14, 2010

Identical again, dang

The past couple of days, I've been getting the girls mixed up again. For awhile, they looked very different. This morning it was like, gosh I couldn't tell them apart without looking for Harper's birthmark. Once we had them in the highchair, you could easily see the difference in their faces, Harper's is much thinner. Below, she is on the left.
Papa was being funny and put a skirt on Harper's head, she played with it on for a long time.

Finally, a nice enough day to play outside. Rielee and Jillian were in the sandbox and it didn't take long before the twins were exploring it, too. Ava even tried a bite of sand, which absolutely freaked out Papa, so much that he went in the house since I wasn't reacting and ready to sterilize their little hands, like he thought they needed.

Jillian and Rielee playing on the teeter totter. Cathy and I tried our darndest to get a picture of all 4 girls together, but we weren't quite fast enough--each time Jillian would be off and running to play with something else!

Harper, on the left again, and Ava were so content and quickly got used to crawling around in the grass. Papa will be mortified to see Ava chewing on the shovel, I'm sure.

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