Saturday, August 21, 2010

Twins overnight

Ava and Harper playing ball with James
The girls got here about 11:30 for their overnight stay. We played for awhile, fed them some lunch and then took off for a short shopping trip to Ross. Papa was pleasantly surprised at how well-behaved they were in the store. He said they are at a great age for shopping-they can't ask for anything yet.
Harper practicing
They got lots of walking practice in today, now they automatically turn around to head back the other way.

Ava's turn
Thankfully, James and Auna came over to help us entertain the girls. They really kept the girls busy and happy. Alan, Laury, David and Will stopped by to visit also.

And why am I holding the ball like this?
One of the strange ways in which Papa entertains them, by putting toys between their toes. Today I saw Harper trying to put a toy piece of pizza between hers. With a short afternoon nap, the girls were ready for bed at 8:00 p.m., even though their regular bedtime is 9:30. They went right to sleep when we laid them down--what a difference from naptime!

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