Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Twins are funny

Harper and Ava both love riding in the push buggy and today they actually got the hang of holding on to the steering wheel.
Charb and Kelly are back to work, so we are back watching babies on a regular basis. The twins are getting more antimated every day now. Today they were sitting in their high chairs and Harper looked over at Ava and started laughing at her, and then tried to give her a bite of her food.
They also will kiss and hug each other. Monday they went to the doctor for their year check-up, and they need to stay on the formula for at least another month. Ava weighed 19.5, Harper 7 oz. less. Which is hard to believe since Ava feels so much heavier than her sister. Harper's birth marks are disappearing, her finger looks almost normal now, and the spot on her neck is rapidly shrinking.

After trying and trying to rock them to sleep with no luck today, I gave up and decided to try them in their cribs. Kelly happened to call just then and said that they are going down without any crying at night, so I was reassured that they could do it! I put some tissue in my ears and toughed out 15 minutes of wild screaming, but they finally went to sleep. Papa headed right out to the shop as soon as they started crying, and after about 6-7 minutes, he came in and told me he really thought we should get them I sent him away again. Harper only slept for about 45 minutes but Ava stayed down for an hour and a half. We had a good afternoon, and with Auna around to help me with the babies, Papa got to stay outside and work in the yard all day. Auna is the best little helper, she anticipates what the babies need and does it, without being asked.
James was up at Alan's today so Parker, Auna, and Rielee had to go right over to visit with him. They (Alan, James, Auna) took off for the creek on the 4 wheeler and Parker rode James' motorcycle. Then I got a knock on the door and there is James with a big grin on his face, he says "guess what we found Aunt?" and shows me this enormous beetle or roach, something really awful that they have in a little plastic box, which Rielee is holding. I freak out, of course, James says its dead, still, I don't want it around. Thanks James, he then reminded me of the time he scared me when he was showing me his PSP, and held it up close to my face and there was a close-up picture of a tarantula on it...yikesssss

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