Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sick babies

Kelly told me last night that Ava wasn't feeling very well and had been running a fever, and this morning Harper came down with whatever Ava has, because she was sick, too. Kelly thought it might be a reaction to a live virus they were vaccinated with last week, the nurse said they could get a fever for up to 2 weeks after it. Once we got some tylenol in both of them, they perked up, but were fairly subdued and cranky all day. They still had their appetites though.
After lunch, Auna asked me if we could take them outside. At first I said I didn't think it was warm enough, but the twins had picked up on the word "outside" and started to let us know by squealing and waving their arms that they were ready to go out and now! It was sure nice to be able to put them both in a swing at the same time. After a long time swinging, Harper wanted out so she could get in Rielee's car, we put Ava in their with her for a photo op.

Even though they weren't quite feeling up to par, being outside took their minds off it. Harper also just got another bottom tooth and her top teeth are coming in, adding to her misery. We also took them for a stroller ride over to feed and walk Maggie.

Papa plunked them both in the laundry baskets again this afternoon-it still entertains them.

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