Friday, August 6, 2010

Harper and Parker, she loves the kitchen
Ava and Harper were awake and ready to play as soon as they got out of their carseats today. Papa and I sat on the floor and played with them for a long time. When Rielee and Parker came over, I made waffles, eggs and fried potatoes for breakfast. Parker surprised me by sharing some of his potatoes with Harper, usually he is complaining because I don't make enough. She loved them, too. He spent a lot of time playing with the twins today, and with Rielee also. Emmy came over to see the twins, then Auna showed up to help a little later. Nap time was a tiny bit easier today, but they didn't sleep as long, they just seemed to hear every little sound and wake up and cry a little before dozing off again. While they were asleep, Papa took Rielee, Parker and Auna down to get ice cream, but Parker and Auna wanted glass bottles of Coke, which they thought were really cool. Papa was upset because they cost $1.89 each and he thought that was way too much and told them they wouldn't get those again.
Ava and Harper a year ago.

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