Saturday, August 7, 2010

Terry-Taylor Garage Sales

We went to the Terry-Taylor garage sales for the first time today. We went at 7:30 and found a close parking space and it wasn't too crowded yet. Macee & Tierney were working at a volleyball fundraiser there. Des and Rielee were helping too, so when we showed up Rielee had to show me everything she wanted to buy. Wanted me to buy, that is, since her Mom had already said no. One thing was this make-up set with all kinds of polish and glitter, lotion and lipgloss in it, but it was marked $5, and I said that was too much. Well, Rielee instantly turned on some tears and said she really, REALLY wanted it, so we asked her Mom if it was okay if I bought for her to donate to the v'ball team, and she said sure. Papa and I walked around and shopped a little more and scored by finding another outdoor baby swing (sharing one just doesn't cut it with the twins) for $1.50. We were happy so we went back around the block and picked up Rielee and her make-up set and came home. Then she wanted a make-over so I put some make-up on her and did her toenails, she had a sore fingernail though and didn't want those done. On the way home she got excited looking through her make-up and said there were fingernail clippers in there, too. Before I could say, "honey,don't cut your own nails," she had tried and had cut too deep, so she had a very sore nail. Turned out they were actually toenail clippers so she was lucky she didn't cut herself worse.

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