Saturday, August 14, 2010

Please get in the pool with us!

Rielee on the way to the pool with "Bear" who is wearing Ava's old suit.

I was already planning on getting in the pool when they asked, it was so hot today. Parker and Rielee spent the night with us since their folks were in Las Vegas. Incredibly, they slept in until 9. Papa and I went over and cleaned out the pool, and he turned on the heater so we could comfortably get in there and enjoy ourselves. It heated up really quickly and we turned the heater off when it got to 86 degrees. We tried playing some pool volleyball but gave up after repeated disputes over the score.
We settled for general floating around and watching Rielee swim, jump in over and over, ride her shark, etc. It was a great way to spend the day. After our daily trip for ice cream cones, Papa and Parker went to the motorcycle races, and Rielee decided she was "so hot, Grandma, I'm so hot" and begged to get back in the pool. So I took the cover off on one end and she was happy and played for another half hour. Then it was back to our house for a bath and some quality TV-ICarly, a bowl of lasagne and more ice cream in the form of a Ginger (Ale) Float before Mom and Dad came home.

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