Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Last hot August day

Rielee with bedhead making waffles for Papa
Who has the darkest hair?
Since it was most likely the last hot day for this summer, Parker turned on the pool heater and had the pool at 94 degrees, just like Kahneeta, he said. I took this picture to compare their hair color, which is pretty much the same, I think. We were all in the pool early.

Auna and Rielee doing a crazy jump
Cathy brought Jillian up to play, she wouldn't go in the water except to let Granny swing her legs in, and she did let Auna push her around on the air mattress. She played around the pool though, throwing in stuff for Auna and Rielee to retrieve.

After the pool time, Papa and Parker went to Vader on the scooter for lunch at the Little Crane Cafe. They love it there because everyone is so friendly, the food is good, and there are lots of old historical pictures on the walls.

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