Sunday, August 22, 2010

Early start this morning

Papa surprised me this morning by running Ava's bath and getting her washed while I was dressing Harper after hers. He had not given a baby a bath since Jill was a baby, some 40 years ago. I'm still waiting for him to change a diaper...
The girls slept through the night. Ava woke up at 5, had a bottle and went back to sleep until Harper woke up at 6.
David won over Ava's affections this morning by reading to her, he won Harper over with food earlier.
Papa feeding them lunch today. They like grilled cheese sandwiches and chicken noodle soup. You have to be careful with Harper and only give her a piece or two of food at a time because when she's hungry she will pick up everything on her tray and try to shove it in her mouth.

Auna helping Ava play soccer, this is one game the both girls both really like, and giggle every time they get a good kick. It's very hard on our backs though.
*Yesterday Auna and James were contemplating what careers the twins would have when they grew up--they decided that Ava will be a pro basketball player, then retire early and have a second career in fashion design, Harper will be a veterinarian.

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