Friday, August 13, 2010

Hot day=pool time

Liann and Lindsey got to play in the pool for a couple of hours before they left today.
Rielee doing the "flush the toilet" trick with Liann.

Ava and Harper played outside today, too. Ava wanted to go in the pool, but Harper was happy to sit out. All she wanted was to ride in the little car.
James' special cannon-ball attack, it was bugging him that Macee's hair was still dry.
Scott and family left about 2 and will be back next week. James came up today to spend some time with Parker. I had to take Parker to the dr. for his sports physical, so James, Parker and I took Ava with us while Papa and Rielee watched Harper. Since she was asleep, I had James and Parker help me carry Ava in her carseat into the dr.'s office, they could not believe how heavy she is in that thing. James sat with her in the waiting room while I went in with Parker, I kept checking on them since the appt. took awhile, James was looking increasingly nervous because Ava kept stirring and he was afraid she would wake up screaming-so I finally took her in the exam room. She didn't wake up though until we got home. It was a very busy day, and I missed having Auna's help, and I know the twins missed her, too. Our day was so discombobulated that Ava ended up taking a 2 hour nap, and Harper was awake all day. After Papa took them home, I took the kids back over to swim and Macee came out and joined us. When Papa got back he took us all to get ice cream cones.

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