Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yard clean-up

After all the wind we had this week, the yard was a mess of limbs and fir boughs. I recruited Parker and James to help me with the clean-up. They got their 4-wheelers and wagons and it didn't take very long to get most of it picked up. Then they got side-tracked by a couple of bigger limbs and decided they wanted to cut them up with my battery-operated chain saw... then they noticed that the ditch beside the driveway was backed up with debris and thought they should clean that out. Digging by hand got old fast, and Parker's idea of getting the excavator out was shot down fast by Gabe, too muddy. They were very wet and muddy by then so they headed inside. Later we took James and Parker to the Union football game, which was a lot of fun. They were so silly at the game,

though, oh my gosh, being cold and bored since the game was a blow-out, I guess they figured that pretend picking on each other would pass the time faster! Thankfully, we got to leave right after the 50/50 split was announced!

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