Tuesday, November 10, 2009

One day

Today is the only day we will have the twins this week since tomorrow is Veteran's Day and Thurs. and Fri. we will be in Yakima for the Volleyball State Tournament. This picture is what we get to see every morning when we get home with them, and sit them on the floor, then hurry to get bottles made since they are usually starving. This morning when we pulled off the freeway, we could hear Ava loudly sucking on her knuckles all the way up the hill.
I tried today to get a picture of them with some little Santa hats on for a Christmas card. It didn't go well, it seems Harper really hates hats. She would start squirming trying to get it off and that led to getting really mad and screaming until I took it off. Will have to try again another day. Kelly told me later that the nurses in the hospital had told her that preemie babies often hate wearing hats since they had to wear them in the NICU.
We had an easy morning (the girls were really good once I quit trying to photograph them), until Rielee got here, then she wanted to play right away, made a bee line straight to the playroom, and if either of us said we couldn't play with her because we were taking care of a baby, she would say, "just bring her in, too", and she would include which every twin we were holding in her pretend play saying she would be their Mom also.
We get such a kick out of playing with Rielee, and although she runs us ragged sometimes, we don't care, she is growing up so fast, soon she will be in school and these days will be gone. Steve said we are "the Bobble-head Grandma and Papa" because we are always nodding "yes" or saying "ok" to everything she suggests we do! She isn't spoiled, just well-loved...

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