Monday, November 23, 2009

Check-up and shots

I usually watch the babies at home on Monday since we have Rielee all day, but today the babies had a dr. appt. so I went to Camas. I went shopping for a couple of hours while Charb and Kelly took them in. Ava weighed in at 11 lbs. and she looks every bit of it in this picture with her double chin. Harper weighed 10 lbs. 8 oz. They are healthy girls although Kelly did ask about Ava's tendency to look to the left so they are going to physical therapy for perhaps a pinched nerve in her neck. Harper is going too, just because her sister is, I guess. And they have to stay on the expensive NeoSure formula, which didn't make Charb very happy at all. Oh, and they can continue to swaddle them at night until they are 6 months old.
They were worn out from the trauma of the shots they received, and slept most of the afternoon, with a few cranky wake-ups now and then. It was the first time I ever had both of them over my shoulders, since I tried to put Harper in the swing (and she wasn't having anything to do with it) while I was changing Ava's diaper, and they were both all worked up and screaming. Kelly said she told the dr. that little Harper pretty much was the boss of the house. She is the more tempermental baby. Doesn't like the swing, likes to be walked, but not rocked so much, and boy when she hears her bottle being made, she lets you know she really wants it and now. But she did sit happily in the bouncer for a few minutes while I took her picture though.
Rielee made her Papa laugh today. She was on the way to the potty and a toy commercial came on, so she tells him "I want that Papa" and then as she is sitting on the toilet, she can hear another toy commercial come on and she's yelling "I want that, too, Papa!".

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