Monday, November 16, 2009


We thought the girls looked like they had grown since we saw them last week, they are getting quite "roly-poly" now. They were eating every 2 hours today, then I realized maybe they are needing more formula, and sure enough, Kelly said she is offering them 4 ounces, although sometimes they don't finish it. I had given them 4 this morning and when they didn't drink it all, just made them 3 the other feedings, and while they seemed full, it didn't hold them for long. They have a dr. appt. next week, and Kelly said she is curious to see if the dr. changes their formula, and hoping he will, since they are still on the Neosure for preemies, which is over $15 a can, and a can only lasts a day and a half. Twins are expensive, that's for sure. We had Rielee today for the afternoon, and she and Papa took their nap together, so I had the twins and they got kind of fussy. So I managed to get both of them in the recliner with me and we rocked until we all went to sleep for a bit, Harper lying beside my legs and Ava in my arms.

Now it is evening, and Auna is here to watch "Dancing with the Stars" with us. We pretend we are the judges and score each dance!

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