Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday with Jillian

Jillian came up today to play with Rielee after pre-school. They had a great time and in this picture are taking an ice cream cone break. I probably shouldn't confess this but occasionally I allow the Grandkids and nieces and nephews their "morning ice cream" if they want it, I think it does wonders for their disposition, and we eat pretty healthy the rest of the time. Well, except for that raw cookie and bread dough, but generally I try to keep their food healthy.
We had lots of company today. Laury and David came over for a baby fix and coffee this morning. Then Cathy brought Jillian up to play, and she and I held the babies and visited. Later in the afternoon, Linda came up to have Steve change the oil in her car, and we visited while he did it, and we held the babies. What a fun day.

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