Wednesday, November 25, 2009

12 hr. shift

Had a long day Tuesday with the babies since Kelly went home sick from work, and Charb couldn't meet us until after football practice. Our day went well, but it is funny how tired we can get just from taking care of them even though we aren't doing a heck of a lot.
Charb said the nutritionist from Kaiser called and said they could go ahead and change the formula, said the Kirkland brand was okay but they are going to try some Enfamil samples they have at home that are supposed to help with gas and see how that works first. The girls have a little trouble with gas.
Today we just had Rielee and she was her usual busy self, wanted to play Barbies first, then take a bath, make french toast, and watch a video. The kids were home early from school, so she got to go over and play at Auna's, too.

1 comment:

  1. They are so Cute!
    Twice with hats on, you are getting good.
