Friday, November 27, 2009

Calling for back-up

I watched the twins tonight while Steve, Kelly and Lexi drove up to watch the Union football team in the semi-finals. Luke rode up earlier with Charb since he is the ball boy. I was doing all right with the babies, had lots of company. Emmy came over right when they got here to help me feed them, and then the rest of the neighborhood (and James, too) filtered in. It was after they all left that things got interesting. It was 7:30 or so, I had them both asleep, Harper on the floor and Ava in the bouncer, sent Kelly a text telling her that both babies were sleeping. Then I made a big mistake, a huge one, and turned off the bouncer...Ava instantly woke up and started crying, Harper was right behind her. It wasn't long before they were both crying inconsolably, and believe me, I tried everything to get them to settle down. Finally, after about a half an hour of screaming, I called Laury and told her I needed back-up! She came over and we walked them and walked them and walked them...I had heard that they can be very fussy in the evenings, and now I really believe it! Ava did doze off for about a half hour nap, but Harper never slept for more than a few minutes at a time. I would get her to sleep and put her on the bed, so I could take Ava and let Laury go home, and she would wake right back up. Steve, Kelly and the kids got back about 11:00, and Ava was wide awake, Harper had finally crashed about 10:30.

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