Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wacky Wednesday

Our Wednesdays are always interesting since we have both Rielee and the twins. First thing this morning, Rielee wanted to play her Maisy game, and insisted that Ava had to play, too. She would say "A-vee, it's your turn!" and Ava would have to pretend to spin the arrow and take her turn.
Ava was asleep long before the game finished, and then Papa rescued me by suggesting a game of "dots" as they call it. The game that Rielee was bored by yesterday, she was happy to play again this morning, and also happy because for some reason-she always wins...
We ended up keeping the twins all day since Mom and Dad decided to come up to watch Macee and Tierney's district volleyball game. Papa had to go over to the game early just because he was so nervous about it, so I took the babies over later. The plan was that I would call him on his cell and he would come out and help me pack them inside, which would have worked better had he remembered to turn on his phone. The babies were really good at the game, there was enough noise and action to distract them from any fussiness.
That is Ava with Daddy.
The girls WON both matches, and are headed to State. "The Girls" as we refer to Macee, Maddie and Tierney played great, it is so exciting that they are going to State as Freshmen.

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