Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Shot day

Harper sleeping
Ava smiling

I went down to Camas today to watch the babies. Kelly had to take them in for their first RSV shots (they will get one each month until March to protect them from the virus), and Charb was busy, so she asked if I would help her take them. They weighed them first, and Ava weighed a little over 10 lbs. and Harper 9 lbs. 6 oz., and they are 13 weeks old now. They were a little fussy the rest of the day so I gave them some Tylenol. Oh, and Charb said that last night they slept for 6 hours, which made him very happy.
Steve was home with Rielee today. They called me, and Rielee gave me the following pre-school news: a girl in her class had to sit in the "red" chair today because she picked her nose and wouldn't wash her hands! Papa said that Rielee wanted to color today, so he colored with her. Then he taught her how to play that game where you make the dot grid then fill it in line by line and put your initial in each square, it must have a name but I don't know it. They played 3 games then she told him it was boring...

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