Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I was rewarded for my very rainy, windy drive down to Camas this morning by two very happy little baby girls. They entertained me for the longest time with their smiles, coos, and frantic kicking and arm waving that they do when they are excited. They had slept from 10 p.m.-5 a.m. so they were well-rested and it showed. They grinned at me, at the clock, and the ceiling fan, which never ceases to fascinate them (as it did James, too, when he was a baby). I thought this was going to be a perfect day, and it was a perfect morning anyway, the afternoon proved otherwise. They took short naps in the morning, but after that, I could not get them to settle down for any length of time. So it was a cycle of one in the swing, hold the other one, rotate-then try the bouncer, then the floor, then the Pack n' Play...oh my gosh it was crazy. And they weren't just a little unhappy either, they were tired, it was the "screaming like their hair was on fire"-as Charb describes it, their special ramped-up scream. Like they go from regular crying for about 1 minute ("pick me up please Grandma, I'm a little unhappy") to this beet-red faced scream ("GRANDMA, PICK ME UP NOW I'VE TOTALLY LOST IT!!"), kind of unnerving, to say the least, especially when they are both doing it. I can't ignore them, since they just want to be held and they are infants, after all, I just need a couple more arms! Finally about 2 p.m. Harper laid on the floor long enough for me to walk Ava to sleep, then I did the same with her. I'm afraid these girls might be just like their Dad, who hated to go to sleep and managed to airmail himself out of his crib at 8 months, and kicked the bars out of his crib at a year...he still fights sleep. Thankfully, Steve came down to drop off the van at the dealership in Vanc., so he drove home, I fell asleep.

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