Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy girls

The girls slept great and woke up happy and ready to play. Rielee and Parker were over to have breakfast with them. After breakfast, Parker played with Ava and was happy that she was having fun with him. Then it was time for a bath with Rielee, a long bath with a lot of singing. It was a nice enough morning to take them outside to play in the sandbox and do a little swinging, too. They were so covered in sand that we had to change their pants when they came in. Then they had a messy lunch and needed to change their shirts because a lot of their soup didn't make it to their mouths.

What's not to love about this sweet little face? I tried to get them both to sit for a picture together, but Ava didn't feel like it.

Whenever they hear Parker riding the 4-wheeler, they jump up on the couch to look out the window to see him. Our day with them went by too fast, and we were sad to take them back.

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