Thursday, June 16, 2011

Jillian & Bridget

Cathy brought Jillian and Bridget to visit this morning. Ava and Harper played pretty well with Jillian, but weren't quite sure what to make of Bridget. Yes, Bridget is standing at the table, she is a busy little 9 month old!

It was a nice afternoon, so after their nap the girls played outside until dinner time. Parker and Auna stopped by to play for awhile before they left for games, and Rielee got to stay with us. Alan gave the girls this bubble bucket and today was the first time they tried it. Boy, did they love it!

They played with it for a good hour, taking a break in the sandbox now and then. By the time they were done, their hair was wet with bubbles, so after dinner they took a bath with Rielee. Didn't really need shampoo either!

They happily settled down for a Caillou video afterward. They get to spend the night since it is the last day of school in Mom and Dad's district and they had functions to go to.

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