Thursday, June 2, 2011

Band concert

Nothing stays the same for long with twin toddlers. This morning Harper decided she wanted to change high chairs, she did the same thing yesterday out of the blue, we thought maybe it was a one time deal, but no, she wanted to switch for good. Ava wasn't so sure, but as long as she can have her blanket on the back of her high chair, she is content (Harper has to have hers, too). They have been even pickier eaters this week, too. Breakfast is the only meal they really seem to like consistently. After taking 3 hour naps, they woke up happy and were running around playing with their balls, which they both like to sit on.

Tonight was the 5th/6th grade band concert, held at the Christian Church. Auna is in this picture holding her clarinet, Parker is in the back row with the trumpets and can barely be seen. They did a great job. Both got awards, Parker for most practice minutes and Auna for best clarinet.

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