Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More firewood

Parker stayed overnight with us last night. We watched True Grit and that was fun, but it caused him to have a bad dream. In the middle of the night he woke me up saying he needed to ask Papa a question about snakes. All through the movie they were discussing snakes, with Papa sharing stories about the snakes around his relative's homes in California when he would visit there as a kid. The snake talk continued this morning during breakfast, then Parker went to work on the shop, one of his summer jobs is to clean and organize it. I pulled him off the shop cleaning to help Papa with the firewood. Papa had cut down a big fir that Alan and Vera gave him. Parker hauled a couple of loads of limbs to the burn pile, helped me stack a load of wood and then split a wagon load of wood by himself. He was pretty worn out after that, since he had to use a wedge to split the wood in half first and that is tiring. He was more than ready to go back to the shop cleaning, but was done with that for the day, too, and wandered off to play with his bow and arrows.

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