Friday, June 10, 2011

"Uncle Rabrrib"

Rielee went right to work this morning trying to get Ava to say "Uncle David" and got it on video for Auna! But Uncle David didn't think she was saying "David" clear enough, so after school Auna videoed her again, same response from David-I told him "hey, "Grandma" sounded like "Bob" for a long time, take what you get and be happy!" Auna should get that I-Pod Touch!
The girls were really happy with this ride-on I found for them at a garage sale this morning. It has lots of buttons that play music and make noise. I also got them a stick horse but despite several demostrations of how to ride it from Papa and I, all they would do is hug it. They got to play outside for a long time this afternoon and even enticed Uncle Alan and Auna into the sandbox with them. Then Rielee came home from school and they got some playtime with her, too.

Right before bedtime, Emmy got home from Ellensburg and came right over to see them. She tried and tried to get them to say her name, but they seem to be stubborn little Gourde girls like Rielee (who would say everyone else's name except Emmy's, just to bug Emmy). We could hear Ava though, she would go in the playroom and say it but wouldn't say it in front of Emmy.

The girls are staying over because tonight is their cousin Rachel's graduation from Hockinson H.S.

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