Thursday, June 23, 2011

Last day

Today was our last regular day with Ava and Harper :(
They had a busy morning, first having oatmeal for breakfast with Rielee, which they all gobbled up. Then they got in the tub with her for a long, fun bath. Auna, Parker, Emmy and Laury came over to visit them, too. Auna played on the computer with them, and Rielee played with cars, dolls, and played school with them. They were being silly on the ride to meet Mom, playing hide and seek under their blankets. Ava had the funniest post-nap hairdo.
We were very melancholy on the drive back home, already missing the fun of the daily routines we have with our little darlings. We plan to see them every week, though, through their summer vacation.

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