Tuesday, June 7, 2011


While doing their computer time this morning, Papa accidently clicked on a video of Rielee playing the ukelele. Right away Ava was up and begging for the ukes. Usually they both fight for the pink one but since Papa was playing along, too, this time they didn't. They didn't even care that he was out of tune. Auna came over after school, she is on a mission to teach Ava to say "Uncle David". If she can do it by Friday, her Dad will buy her an I-Pod touch. Ava said it yesterday but only Parker and Rielee heard it, and Auna needs to get it on video. Today she was only saying "Uncle".

We had Rielee in the evening and she wanted to paint so Papa brought the easel in from the shop. It is always a big production picking out all the right paint colors for a painting session that lasts about 5 minutes tops. But she had fun, that is until she tried to paint a dog that didn't turn out to look like a dog at all and she dissolved into tears. So I put her in the tub but she was too tired to enjoy her bath, so she got out and settled in for the rest of the time with a Caillou video.

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