Friday, July 1, 2011

Too quiet

It's "kids beach trip" time again and they were so very anxious to get going. Aunt Cathy wasn't leaving until 12:30 so they had to wait all morning to go, and were bouncing off the walls in anticipation. Only 9 cousins going this year, down from an all time high of 15 last year. The kids just love this trip and all the traditions they have, stopping at the Custard King, swimming at the Astoria pool, playing at the playground, going to Funland and of course, the beach. Aunt Cathy confiscates all of the kid's cellphones, I-Pods, etc. when they get there and allows them only 1 phone call a day, thus making sure that they all interact with each other. She said Rick really keeps them busy. Parker, Auna, Bridget and Rielee-all loaded up in Cathy's car-1st stop Rick's house
They were going to draw names for seating in the cars when they got to Rick's and Rielee was really hoping she would get to ride in Cathy's car with Mocha the dog.
The neighborhood is way too quiet now.

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