Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lunch with Norma

Gabe and Des left early this morning to take Macee to Stanford for a volleyball camp so we had Norma, Parker and Rielee over for breakfast, Auna, too, since she was spending the day with us. After breakfast the older kids went home to hang out for awhile and Rielee took a long bath. We decided it would be fun to take them all out for lunch so we let them pick the restaurant and they decided on Applebee's. Norma was excited to go there because a high school friend of hers works there. Our lunch was good, except for Auna's, somehow the waitress thought she was ordering off the child's menu, so Auna's hamburger was a very tiny one. The shocked look on her face when she got her plate was pretty funny! We all had to share our food with her so she didn't go hungry, the kids also got dessert and she didn't have any problem finishing hers. Oh yeah, Parker and Norma's friend Dan Smith were also at lunch with us, but somehow we didn't get a picture of them, oops.
After lunch, Papa headed back home with Norma and Dan, who had to get to work, while I took the other kids shopping. We went to Pet Works for some goldfish for the pond, then to Target so Rielee could spend her giftcards.

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