Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunny Sunday

Nearly 12 hours of sleep makes for happy kids-Harper was all smiles while waiting for breakfast. It was such a sunny morning and we had them outside playing early. Papa put a little water in their wading pool so they splashed around in it or played in the sandbox.

Papa decided to clean out the cars (their carseats were so dirty and encrusted with crumbs from their long rides yesterday) and move the carseats to the red car and before he knew it, he had help,

but not really, they just wanted to play in the car. Lots of screaming when it was time to get out!

We took them back to Kelly about 2:30. Later in the evening, we went over to the Dolan's and played badminton with Rielee, Parker, Auna and Em. Em, Rielee and I beat Auna and Parker, no contest really although they did the better trash-talking. Parker, Auna and Em came over to watch Big Brother with us, and Parker stayed to spend the night.

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