Thursday, July 21, 2011

Posing girls

Laury, Papa and I went to the Flower Market early this morning and picked up the girls on the way home so they could spend the day with us while Mom and Dad get stuff done for the wedding. I put the Play-Doh away 3 different times today, only to be met with tears when they noticed it wasn't on the table. James came over with Parker and I even caught him playing with it. He said "Aunt, I remember playing with Play-Doh with you every day when I was little."

This picture is one of about 20 I took of the girls at Aunt Linda's house. She has this tiny doll bench in her living room and the girls could just barely squeeze into it, but they loved it! I ran to get my camera and they posed over and over, when I walked away they would sit down again and say "MORE!" It was so funny since it is about impossible to get a picture of them together these days. We grabbed them right from their naps to get down there in time to see Papa's Aunt Gracie and cousin John who were visiting from CA, that's why their hair is kind of wild.

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