Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Big girls

These girls are growing up, swinging on the big swings, going potty, what? Harper shocked the heck out of me tonight. She said she had to go potty, so I took her diaper off and she got herself a book and went to sit on the potty chair. Ava got some more books and sat on the stool beside her and looked at books, too, moral support, I guess. When I went in to check on them, I could smell that Harper had actually gone potty! I had her stand up and look, Ava looked, too, and they both went "ughhh" and their eyes were like saucers! Parker was on the computer so he was a witness. We both cheered and made a big deal out of it. When we asked Harper if she went potty later, she just said "yeah, gross!" Hope she isn't too grossed out to do it again soon. We also made it through the day without any bottles, and had some success with Ava drinking chocolate milk out of a cup with a straw before bed, Harper tried a little bit but ate a little bowl of cereal instead. After the big potty event, we went to Toutle to watch Emmy's alumni team play the Rockets. Ava and Harper were very good, it helped that Rielee had a bunch of stickers that kept them occupied for quite awhile.

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