Monday, July 25, 2011

Harper's eye "problem"

We will have the girls until Thursday this week while their parents are in Las Vegas. Harper was awake this morning and cried on the way home, Papa even stopped in Kalama to see if she was buckled too tightly or sitting on something, but she wasn't. She perked up after she got here and played, but at about 9 she started to cry and say "eye" and rub her right eye, this happened during computer time and she didn't want to sit and do that, and several more times. We were thinking she must have maybe scratched it or had something in it, although neither of us saw anything happen that might have caused a problem. I was worried and starting to think about taking her to the doctor but Papa said let me sit with her and try to calm her down, he had her on his shoulder--and she fell asleep in about a minute! Guess the only thing wrong with her little eye was that she couldn't hardly keep it open! She was perfectly fine after a long nap. They are sure talking a lot more, we really noticed it today. Stringing 3 words together a lot, and they are counting to 10 when we start counting, we say a number, they say the next one.
This picture is of Ava checking all the doors to the car, Harper started it first, going around and around, checking every door. Couldn't get in but managed to get their hands pretty dirty from our not very clean car.

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