Sunday, July 17, 2011


Geez, another rainy day...fortunately, Auna showed up at 8 since her parents went to work at the fair, so Rielee had someone to play with. Parker also went to the fair, to spend the day with Boris in the barns. Now he said he is saving his money to buy fencing so he can get a cow. Rielee spent most of the day in her new dress, which made her a Queen, she said. Papa had to play the role of her husband and Auna was their daughter. I overheard this conversation:
Rielee to husband Papa: "Honey, our daughter just told me she is running away!"

husband Papa: "What, that's horrible, why?"

Rielee: "She said I wasn't a nice Mom, that I was mean to her!"

Auna cracked up trying to explain- "She said she wanted to have a talk with me, then she sat down in front of me and sang "Jingle Bells", the whole song!" It was too much for her.

She still plays pretend all the time, but it is more fun for her when one of us plays along, too.

Auna and Rielee went to the fair in the afternoon. Rielee got to ride the ponies again, and even got one last free ride.

In the evening we watched a couple of not-so-good movies, Hotel for Dogs and Grownups, Norma came over later and spent the night with us.

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