Saturday, November 6, 2010

V'ball District Champs

Macee and the twins after the Rockets won the District Championship this afternoon.
The back of their shirts, they were really good at the match, but we were glad they won the match in 3 sets, because they are busy girls!
They slept good last night, both woke up around 4, had a little milk and then slept until 8:30. They took a little nap before the match, too, so they were in good moods.
We had lots of company in the evening, Uncle Alan came over to visit, then Doni brought up her 2 yr. old Grandniece Emily to play, and Auna and Rielee were also here. We got out the Duplos and Ava figured out how to build with them. The twins went to bed at 9:00 and conked right out.

Charb sent me this neat picture of Luke at the BSU-Hawaii game.

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