Friday, November 5, 2010

A puzzling day

We bought the girls a puzzle and did we ever get our money's worth of entertainment out of it-they played with it off and on all day. Harper packed around the horse and never would put it back in the puzzle, I finally had to hide it from her since she chewed the nose off of it. They didn't really want to put the pieces in the puzzle and when we did, it would be a contest to see who could grab the most pieces and then throw them on the ground.
We decided to walk over to Uncle Alan's shop and see if he was there. Ava is making her "where is he?" sign. I think Harper is checking out her boots.

Wildlife sighting-A SLUG, wow, and once again, Harper wanted to touch it.
We made a trip to Winco in the afternoon that went surprisingly well. The girls were good, there weren't too many weird people there, and we didn't have to wait in line. Auna and David, who was off work, came over to visit. Then later they stopped by again with Laury after she got off work. David was entertaining the twins by blowing bubbles with his gum, they found it so fascinating that they cried when he left!
We have the girls until Sunday since Charb and Luke went to a Boise State game, with Kelly and Lexi riding going along for the ride (and fun stuff like shopping and swimming).

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