Saturday, November 20, 2010


Harper was making a lot of noise when we were taking them home today so I turned around to see what the problem was, she had pulled the canopy of her carseat down and was kicking at it and had her foot stuck. We hate to see them grow out of these carseats because it means they will probably wake up in the morning when transferred from Charb's car to ours. As it is now when we get them here, we turn out all the lights and quietly bring them in the bedroom and just leave them in their carseats, sometimes they will sleep until 8 or so.
This is our daily routine these days with the girls:
5:00 a.m.-wake up, have coffee and read the paper
5:40-Papa leaves to meet Charb, I shower, clean house, start breakfast (10-grain pancakes or waffles or french toast w/scrambled eggs w/turkey bacon or turkey sausage)
6:40-Papa gets back with the girls
When they wake up, usually between 7:30-8, we have breakfast & bath time, then they play with blocks, balls, books, dolls, puzzles, hide n' seek, their purses, kitchen, or Starfall
11:00 or so-a snack & milk and a nap, depending on what time they woke up, after they nap, we have lunch and play, take them for a walk if it's nice out, then another snack & milk before they leave to go home.
Oh, and on Mondays, Rielee comes over for breakfast before I take her to school, and I pick her up, too. On Fridays, Papa is her driver. Whew! Busy days but so much fun, and keeping us young.

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