Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snow day #2-No school

Macee laughed when she was helping me get the twins ready to go outside, she found out how difficult in can be to dress two little girls that are screaming and wiggling in anticipation of GOING OUTSIDE! Especially with multiple layers...!

Harper was excited by Rielee's snowman, I guess because it was her size.

Parker pulled Harper around on his new sled and she loved it, she was upset when I made them stop and pose for a picture. The kids did lots of sledding today. Then when the twins (and Papa) took a nap, I took the older kids home for awhile so the house would be quiet. Parker read for awhile and then he and I played a couple of games of pool while Rielee made Auna play with Barbies, they also cleaned up Rielee's room, and played house volleyball.

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