Monday, November 1, 2010


Getting ready for Halloween, the girls tried on Luke and cousin Dale's clown wigs.
Scary clowns and cute girl cousins all ready to go out.

Minnie Mouse Rielee, Parker as Jason, and Auna the Cowgirl...3 of our 5 trick or treaters. We also had Princess Jillian and the renter's brought their little baby girl Huntress, too, she was a puppy, I think.
Ava and Harper were tired little girls this morning, Halloween really wore them out. They woke up at 7:30 when Rielee came over, and were ready for naps by 9:30.
Early release again this week, so Parker and Auna were here to help in the afternoon. Auna had an accident getting out of the car, though, when Will dropped them off and had a scraped heel. Ava was very sympathetic to her, and was very upset until Auna was feeling better.

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