Monday, November 29, 2010

Dancing girls

We were so happy to see the twins this morning after a 5 day break. Our lives seem pretty dull without them around to entertain us, even with all the other kids around, the twins are really getting to be little performers. They didn't disappoint us today either. They are interacting so much more now, playing and laughing at each other. Alan came over today while Papa was at the dentist, and we sat here laughing so hard while watching them play with their blocks, they were squealing and laughing at each other and being so antimated. What a couple of characters. And the saying "monkey see, monkey do" describes Ava and Harper's days together perfectly.

I recently watched a program on twins, and they were interviewing an elderly twin, asking her what her life as a twin had been like. She said "I have never known loneliness", a statement that touched my heart so, thinking of Ava and Harper and how lucky they are to have each other.

The girls are watching the Wiggles a little now, well, for a few seconds they will dance around if the music is just right. Harper's dancing is basically just standing there, waving her arms around (she must have her Dad's dancing ability) but Ava gets into it much more. I tried to get a video of them, but then Harper went to hide and Ava followed her.

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