Thursday, November 4, 2010

Soccer and v'ball

Another beautiful November day and Harper was begging to go outside first thing in the morning. It was comical watching them walk around with their boots on since they kept looking down at them and would start to lose their balance.
Rielee had her soccer banquet at Papa Pete's tonight so I offered to take her so Gabe and Des could stay at v'ball since the Rockets were playing at District at the same time. Since she wasn't having pizza we only stayed long enough for her to get her trophy, balloon and a cupcake. She wanted to play one game and chose the $2 "Play till you win" grapple or grabbing machine...she tried over and over and over, I tried and her friend tried and she still had not grabbed one when I noticed a guy with a big bag of stuffed animals standing by us waiting to refill the machine. Rielee offered to stop for a minute to let him get in it and he told her she could just take whichever animal she wanted. Yes! She chose the red dophin and we were out of there and back to v'ball! The Rockets beat Rochester and Kalama, both in 3 and they play for the District Championship on Sat. On to State!

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