Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nice November day

A beautiful day and the twins were thrilled to get outside and go for a ride. In the background of this picture is the recently finished Gourde football field, complete with regulation size goal posts and lights for night practice or games and a net to stop the balls when Parker kicks, so they don't have to hunt for the footballs in the woods. (Parker has promised me that if he ever is a pro kicker he will build me a new house!) It is his "field of dreams"...
After we went back inside, Papa went out to mow and when he was mowing the front yard, Harper could hear him, so Auna and I put her and Ava on the couch so they could watch him mow. Harper got so excited that we had to take them out so they could go for a little ride with him. We had to forcefully pull her off his lap when it was time to go back inside--she really loves that mower riding!

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