Thursday, November 18, 2010

Twins are so entertaining

We get such a kick out of just watching the girls play. The way they interact with each other seems to change daily, although this week Harper seems to be the more aggressive of the two. She took a toy away from Ava yesterday and then ran and turned around and when Ava tried to take it back, she actually growled at her several times. Ava walked away frustrated. Sometimes though, when they are in the middle of a toy conflict, if we tell them to "share with your sister" they will just hand over the toy.
They still play with the puzzles first thing every day. Papa bought them a new one which was the source of a little battle this morning. When I went to see what all the screaming was about, the old puzzle was upside down on the floor, Harper had the new one and Ava was trying to grab it.

Alan and Harper discussing how parts of the pellet stove are hot, she said "hot" and held her hand near it.
This afternoon we decided to go for a walk and took them over to see Uncle Alan. His shop is a source of wonderment for them, with all the airplanes everywhere and stuff they would just love to get into. When it was time to go home, Ava didn't want to leave because Alan had been pushing her around on his roll-around chair.

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