Monday, July 12, 2010

Sunday - Wave Runners

On Sunday Harper took a turn in the water, but first she floated with Dad on the chair. She didn't like the water any more than Ava did.

Sunday we took the houseboat over to the other side of the lake to Cove Palisades Marina and David rented a couple of wave runners. Everyone took turns riding them, and it was a ton of fun. We had lunch on the way, Charb and Kelly fixed tacos and burritos.

Ava and Harper spent the day napping and playing. They were really very good, despite the heat and having not slept too well during the night. Both kept waking up hourly during the night, and then Ava rolled off the bed at 5:30 and Harper had a blow-out in her diaper, so for a little while they were both pretty upset. But they went back to sleep until 7:30. They were so cute in the afternoon, Ava kept snuggling up to Emmy, putting her head on Em's shoulder, over and over, and Harper pointed out 3 "noses" her own, mine and Papa's.

Em, Macee and Luke riding slowly--didn't see much of that! They are all speed demons, even Auna was riding as fast as she could go.

Luke and Rielee in the hot tub, Em laying out, we saw this scene off and on all day. Rielee loved the hot tub, even though we never heated it, it was a place for her to play and we could cool off the babies in it also. When we got back to the dock that evening, Gabe and Des fixed us all halibut and hamburgers, the kids went fishing, and we played "31" and then "poop on your neighbor".

A great day, and they were some happy kids Sunday night when they posed for this group picture!

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