Thursday, July 1, 2010

11 months

Charb sent me this picture of Ava this morning title "first blood", she pulled a stool over on herself last night giving herself a black eye. He also said that Harper cried right along with her sister. Not a very good start to the countdown to their first birthday! At 11 months they are:

  • more alike than they are different from each other
  • walking along the furniture, and Harper has taken a few steps
  • starting to talk-Ava says "Har" for Harper, Harper says "ball", they are getting very vocal and both say "da-da-da" when you are rocking them to sleep, or make noises while patting their hands against their mouths
  • loving most any food, except Harper doesn't like smooth food, like applesauce
  • very strong girls, trying to change their diapers or dress them is a wrestling match, you feel like you should get points for take-downs
  • toothless
  • bookworms, when one has a book, the other wants it, whether she's read it or not!

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