Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lion King

On our way to see the Lion King, "Are we there yet, how far is Portland, how much longer...?"
Waiting for the play to begin, Rielee was so excited. Before it began, we were sitting there, and she threw one arm around Papa's neck, the other around mine and pulled us close so all our heads were touching and said "I love you two!" ahhhh....
She really enjoyed the experience, and was the biggest "clapper" ever. The look on her face during the opening act when all the animals come down the aisles was priceless. Papa got her a booster seat so she could sit up higher and see everything. Our seats were great, center orchestra, row K. He took her down front before to look into the orchestra pit, she thought that was cool, and she had to take me down to see it during the intermission. We also went out in the lobby to check out the merchandise they were selling, she was disappointed because she wanted to buy a "laughing hyena" stuffed animal and there weren't any, even though they half-scared her and she even asked me "if they killed all the lions and animals, are they going to kill all of us, too?" Yikes, she asked question after question throughout, and was very sad when Mufasa died.

I sat in the backseat with her on the way home, she was out by Vancouver, notice the drool on her shirt.

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