Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July

Macee and Tierney enjoying the fireworks show.
Another 4th of July party at Des and Gabe's. I wish I could say I enjoy the 4th, but I am actually half sick to my stomach the whole time with fear that one of the kids will get hurt. I do enjoy the company, food, the games, and the little fireworks though.
And some of the big ones are very pretty...

This is just a scary sight for me, whatever happened to using punks?

James and Auna, ready to play "31", Uncle won the game.

The kids started another game, but this time with only one quarter. It still took them until almost dark to finish, they were doing so much talking and goofing off. James and Ty split that pot. It was a fun party, and no one got hurt, thank goodness.

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