Thursday, July 15, 2010


We had a full day, spending the entire afternoon at the pool and then going to the parade and fair.
Parker and Will goofing off. Parker was playing around with the towel and put it down on bottom of the pool and tried to lay on it.

Rielee had two of her dreams come true today. First, she won a big ribbon for her foam picture, she had been hoping to win a big ribbon like her brother and sister have. Macee added 2 more big ribbons to her collection for a mask she entered. They all won several other 1st and 2nd place ribbons for other things they entered and Rielee got an Honorable Mention for one of her flower arrangements.

And then, this was a biggy--she got her first ever ride on a pony, something she has always wanted to do! She told her Dad he should just build a barn now and forget about a shop, so she could get a horse.

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