Thursday, July 8, 2010

A day at the pool

Since it was so hot today, we spent a lot of time at the wading pool, Ava was trying to get out when Harper gave her a little help.
Emmy stopped by this morning to see Ava and Harper. She was happy with this self-portrait she took of herself and Ava.Their little feet, this was my view as I was rocking them this morning. I finally got them to sleep, then tried to put them in their cribs, big mistake, so they took about 20 min. naps.

They looked so cute in their tankinis, but didn't have much interest in getting in their pool until Papa worked with them, finally just plunking them in and playing with them and their toys, then they liked it.

They spent some time checking out the stroller and pushing it around, they especially love the straps, good chewing.

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